Parable of the Banquet (Luke 14:1-24)

Jesus wrecked a dinner party by telling parables that exposed the hearts of both his host and the other guests. The key to working out what they mean is to understand WHY Jesus said them. And when you understand the point of his stories, they are offensive and humbling...and amazingly good news. You don't want to miss out on a seat at this table!

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Luke 2Chris EkinsJesus
Bigger things to worry about (Luke 12:22-34)

Money, money, money. It's a cause of stress and anxiety for most of us. Whether we think about it often or just sometimes, we all worry about it in some way.

Jesus has a lot to say about money - in this passage, he first comforts us and then calls us to live in light of his kingship when it comes to our cash.

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Luke 2Chris EkinsJesus
Jesus and rotten eggs (Luke 11:37-54)

The Pharisees invite Jesus for a meal and we get a golden chance to see the heart of the King. Jesus is deeply grieved at the actions and attitudes of the religious leaders of the day. They are lost. Worse; they're leading all those under their leadership away from God and His Word.

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Luke 2Dev BlairJesus