The bible says Jesus' mum was a virgin. Is this really believable, or even relevant? Or is it just an embarrassing myth that discredits Christianity? If you scratch below the surface here, you'll discover a feast for your soul that leads to worship, trust, comfort and confidence.
Why is Good Friday good? Weird thing to call it when we celebrate a day remembering some guy dying. But maybe it’s more than just an ordinary death! Join us as we take a look at what Jesus has done for us on the cross.
Join us as we take a look at how the disciples responded to Jesus rising from the dead. Do you have doubts? Well so did they! Do you believe? Well, eventually they did too! No matter where you are at in your thinking about the greatest event the world has ever seen, there will always be others that have had the same thoughts as you. Let’s learn from them as we see what the Bible says about the resurrection!
Is there life after death? And if there is, what’s it like? And how can I be sure I’ll get to enjoy it?
*** APOLOGIES – The sermon wasn’t recorded as we experienced some technical difficulties ***
The leadership of Israel is out to get Jesus! In this chapter we see a series of ‘traps’ laid out for him as those opposed to his ministry look to get him killed. Jesus is asked a great question; what authority does he work under? His answers flip the traps around on those who asked them! A great passage to look at as we continue to meet the real Jesus!
What makes Jesus weep? What makes Jesus angry? And if we follow Him, do we feel the same way about those things? If not, what can we do about it?
The Brave German Woman
Quite often in the Bible there are things that are just plain hard to understand! Here in this passage there are 3 key things that, as Christians, it is of vital importance that we are on the same page about. Have a listen and learn from other people’s mistakes!
*** Oops! Sorry but the talk didn’t get recorded.
Word on the Street: What do you think the purpose of life is?
Jesus lived his life with purpose and intent. It shaped everything he did, who he spent his time with, what he spoke to them about, and what he wanted for them. It even cost him his life. What are you living for? And does it line with what Jesus is calling you to live for? Here are 5 ways to sync up your life with Jesus’ purpose for you.
check out the sermon here
*** Oops! Sorry but the talk didn’t get recorded.
How sure are you that you’ll go to heaven? And what are you relying on to qualify you? Lots of people think you get to heaven by being good (and they either believe they’re good enough, or have their doubts). Others are confident they’ll get there because they trust in Jesus’ sacrifice for their sins. But when someone asked Jesus what they must do to inherit eternal life, he gave neither of those answers.
Word on the Street: If heaven exists, what qualifies someone to go there?
What is mankind’s greatest need? Well, here in this passage we see that the answer is in the grammar! Jesus tells a story illustrating our need for God’s grace.
Jesus predicted the future on more than one occasion. He was always right. What did he say about the end of the world? And are you ready for it?
What's your attitude to your money?
Who is the master of it?
Are you using the resources God has given you faithfully and shrewdly?
Lost people matter to God.
You matter to God.
They matter to God.
If you're lost, come home.
If God has found you, celebrate when he welcomes others.
When we see suffering in the world (either victims of natural disasters or victims someone else's evil) it raises all kinds of theological questions for us. Where is God in all that? Is there any link between people's suffering and their sin? Is God giving them what they deserve? What about "innocent" people who suffer? Jesus responds to questions about sin and suffering by issuing two serious warnings to us about our sin and our potential suffering: Repent or Perish. Bear fruit or be cut down.
Have YOU repented yet? Are YOU bearing fruit?
Instead of living greedy and anxious lives, Jesus calls us to seek God's kingdom first, to be generous with our treasure, and to trust Him to supply our needs.
The Aussie dream is basically to enjoy a long and happy life. If you work hard and earn enough money you can live the lifestyle you want, and then you can spend the kids inheritance on a long and enjoyable retirement (travelling, kicking back, eating good food, drinking nice wine and indulging your hobbies). But Jesus says "If you think that's what life's about, you're a fool."
So what's 'foolish' about living the good life? And what does Jesus say is the wiser way to go?
Some people say they'd believe in God if He'd just show them a sign. How does Jesus respond to that?
Our culture is big on tolerance and being accepting of all spiritualities. But Jesus says: "“He who is not with me is against me, and he who does not gather with me, scatters." What gives him the right to make such big calls? And does it matter anyway?
Jesus wants relationship with us more then he wants service from us. He calls us to avoid being distracted by many things (often good things) and to listen to Him above all else. What things have been distracting you from listening to Jesus lately?
Jesus' parable of the Good Samaritan is one the most well known and least understood parts of Jesus' teaching. Are you sure you really get what it's about and what it looks like to put into practice??
Jesus' disciples were a bunch of block-heads - just like us. They struggled with issues of pride, intolerance and judgmentalism. Thankfully Jesus died for all those sins, and is patient with us, and gives clear instruction on how to live as one of his followers...
Guest preacher Steve Covetz (lead pastor The Point Community Church, Port Macquarie) looks at Luke 9:18-27.
Jesus was tortured and executed on a Friday and Christians call that Good Friday. Not good for Jesus, but very good for us...
John the Baptist's mission was to get people ready for Jesus the Baptist.
John said: “I baptize you with water. But one more powerful than I will come, the thongs of whose sandals I am not worthy to untie. He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and with fire". (Luke 3:16)
Are you ready to meet Jesus? There's only one way to get ready - chuck a u-ee.
We live in a culture that expects very little from youth except that they act like good consumers and spend their (parents) money. Are we doing the same in church by expecting too little from our youth?
When Jesus was 12, he was clear about his identity, his priorities and his life's mission. He was also able to engage in meaningful theological discussion with elders.
What would it look like if we followed his example and pursued spiritual growth with a passion?
Do you have any life goals? things you want to achieve or see happen before you die? If you don't - you don't know what you're living for. And if you do - and you actually achieve them all, will they have been the best things to pursue, and more importantly, will they have been good preparation for the life beyond the grave? Find out how to live well, and die well.
There is so much more to the Christmas story than you think. God is totally in control of every aspect of your life, including every inconvenience and unwanted detour. And He's humbly entered your world to rescue you from much worse things, and to give you great joy and real peace. Have you experienced that yet?
Jesus believed in hell. He spoke about it more than anyone else in the bible. And when he did, he used lots of extremely graphic images. What did he say about it? And more importantly, how can you avoid going there?
The word on the street
Do you believe in hell? How can you avoid going there?