The gospel reminds us that God has been incredibly generous to us! He's given us His Son and blessed us with every spiritual and material blessing we have. The gospel also compels us to be generous to other Christians in need, and other ministries in need.
What happens after we die? We will be raised from the dead and given a new body. What will it be like? And what difference does knowing that make to my life today?
Jesus rising from the dead has defined the past, changed our future, and shapes how we should live our lives now! Come and check it out!
What are tongues and prophecy? What does it mean to be a truly spiritual church? How should we be speaking to one another when we gather?
God determines our gender. He made us male and female and established order in the way we’re to relate to one another (based on his own nature and the way he created us). He wants us to embrace and express our gender in godly and honourable ways, without blurring the distinctions. What this looks like from culture to culture will vary, and has implications for the way we dress and relate and serve at church.
Sometimes the most loving thing to do is to limit your own freedoms and to refrain from exercising your rights. What are the principles that drive this Christ-honouring way of life?
What's the connection between spirituality and sexuality? How can I honour God in my relationships and with my limited time? Should I stay single or get married?
As the Christians in Corinth navigate their new lives following Jesus, they’re having trouble understanding how God’s gift of sex should be used. Paul does a course corrective as he speaks to those in the church that are married.
As the young Corinthian church finds its feet in a city that loves sin, Paul helps them once again to identify worldly living that's dominating the community. Divisions, squabbles, and disputes permeate through the small group. Taking each other to court and fighting in public bring the church into disrepute. Have a listen to how he says to shine the light of the Gospel in a dark city.
Sometimes we need to exercise tough love in the church family. When should we exercise church discipline? Why should we do it? And what does the process look like?
What does successful Christian leadership look like, and how should we respond to it?
God's criteria and expectations are quite different to what we might expect.
The Corinthian church were acting like babies when it came to their faith - and in this chapter, Paul says, 'enough is enough'! But, what steps should they be taking to begin growing up in their faith? Join us as Paul identifies some of their problems and helps them to see what Christlikeness looks like.
As Paul writes his first letter to the church in Corinth, you'd expect him to give them a bit of an uppercut. But, uniquely, he chooses first to give them a warm, brotherly hug, reminding them of their status in Christ and the grace that God has given them to live lives that are set apart for Him and His glory.