The final chunk of 2 Corinthians invites us to take a test, to do some soul searching. Are you in the faith? Let’s take this test to see.
In the ancient world - boasting was key to making a name for yourself. It was accepted and excelled at. To Paul, it's just plain foolishness. However, to play the game of the 'super-apostles', he as worked himself up to boast. But, he boasts in a way that's so wrong that it ends up being so, so right!
Be careful who you allow to shape your understanding of Jesus, because only the real Jesus can save you.
What’s real ministry look like? Here’s 3 things to look out for so that you’d be able to cling to it and live it out.
Christian generosity flows from the outrageous generosity we've been shown by God. It reflects the character of God. Learn how to give generously, joyfully, confidently and to the glory of God.
We deviate slightly from our 2 Corinthians series and look at 4 biblical reflections on the current fires burning through our region as well as 4 practical ways we can respond in faith.
This is the full 6pm service for those who were unable to make it due to the fires:
Item (Psalm 46)
Final Song
We all have partnerships and influences in our lives. Some are helpful as we follow Jesus - some...are not so helpful. Join us as we look at some hard hitting verses where Paul tells the Corinthians to watch out who they are 'yoked' with.
What are your criteria when you’re looking for a church or a spiritual leader? How do you make a good assessment? This passage helps us to have confidence in the type of leader and the type of ministry that fits God’s criteria.
God has given His people the task of persuading others to be reconciled to Him. Sometimes we are slowed down by our fears, apathy and lack of confidence. This passage motivates and equips us for the task of being Christ's ambassadors and God's co-workers.
It's easy to get discouraged, especially when it comes to sharing the gospel with others. Here are some great reasons to not lose heart and to keep pressing on!
It's easy to get discouraged, especially when it comes to sharing the gospel with others. Here are some great reasons to not lose heart and to keep pressing on!
Sometimes it's right to discipline church members and restrict their fellowship. When they repent, we should forgive and restore them to fellowship. Both actions require tough love. Scripture gives us some clear guidance and examples.
Where do you look for comfort? When a bad day happens - what's your go-to? A Netflix binge? A glass of wine or beer? A run, surf or a swim? What about if it's a really bad day? Lost your job, had a car accident, or, maybe it's even bigger - watching someone you love suffer as a disease takes over their body. What then? What kind of comfort is there when your world starts falling apart?Join us as we check out how Paul kicks off his 2nd letter to the church in Corinth. He takes a look t the 'God of Comfort' and what He has to offer.