What difference does the resurrection of Jesus 2000 years ago make to our lives today?
It shows us who Jesus is (Saviour, Lord and Son of God); it means change is possible and death has been defeated.
What do you reckon the world's biggest problem is? Ask anyone in the street and there'll a wide range of opinions. Well, God's never been shy about telling us what our biggest problem is - and, He also gives us the solution. Golden times!
Our culture tells us that true freedom is about "going your own way" - just believe whatever you want, do whatever you want. But Jesus says that's slavery, and he can give us a better freedom. Have you experienced that yet?
Jesus was Jerusalem’s most wanted man. There was a warrant out for his arrest and folks wanted to kill him. But why? What’d he do? In John 7, the answer is 3 things. There’s 3 things Jesus did then that formed Jerusalem’s opinion of him, and as you listen in these 3 things will help you form your opinion of Jesus too.
Jesus claimed to be the Bread of Life. The people that heard his sermon were deeply offended and many stopped following Him. Here are 5 offensive things Jesus said. Do they offend you too?
Ever get the feeling that you're missing the obvious? Looking for something that ends up being right in front of you the whole time? That's exactly what the Pharisees are going through as Jesus, the Word become Flesh, stands right before them. What about for you and me? When we follow Jesus do we see him for who he truly is?
I'd believe if I saw a miracle for myself". But Jesus says that kind of faith is insufficient. Faith is about trusting Jesus, and taking him at his word.
Happiness is something most of us want and pursue, but its tricky! It's easy to find happiness in a moment, but it rarely lasts. So is there any way to be happy and to stay happy? Jesus says he's got something even better for us. And its a gift. Have you got it?
How do you feel about Jesus? Do you believe in him? Or do you reject him? The stakes are high on our answer so John gives us two testimonies in this passage to go on. What will you decide?
Jesus says you must be born a second time to enter the kingdom of heaven. This spiritual rebirth is the supernatural work of the Holy Spirit, enabling us to look to Jesus as our loving Saviour.
As Jesus kicks off his public ministry, John the disciple, leaves a series of signs that help us form a solid picture of who Jesus is and what his ministry is all about. Join us as we dive beneath the surface level and see the spiritual significance behind his first couple of signs!