Laziness equals ungodliness. Paul lays into those who are being idle in the church at Thessalonica. He reminds us that as believers we need to work hard for God’s glory, no matter what we do for a living.
When Jesus returns he will mop up evil and gather His people to Himself. He will crush the Man of Lawlessness (the Anti-Christ) and put down the Rebellion. Are you prepared to meet Him?
The Christian life can be tough. Some days are good and others, well……not so good! We are called to live a different life to those who don’t follow Jesus, it just so happens that the world often doesn’t like that. You may be coping a fair bit of heat for being a Christian. Sometimes it feels like Jesus is taking a crazy long time to return! Well, join us as we take a look at what Paul tells the Christians at Thessalonica about being refreshed as they wait for Jesus to come back!