When Jesus ascends and leaves his disciples, he heads to the heavenly throne knowing they are 'mission ready'. Check out what Luke records as Jesus unleashes his followers on a broken world.
We live in a world full of disappointments, unmet expectations and shattered hopes. Sometimes we can even feel disappointed with God. How does Jesus help us deal with our deepest disappointments?
A few hours before Jesus is on the Cross, the Jewish & Roman authorities ask him who he is. Jesus doesn't give a direct answer - he just shows them. As he fulfils Scripture, proves he is the Suffering Servant, and takes the place of the guilty.
If only the Pharisees, Herod, and Pilate would look and see who is standing in front of them rather than pursuing their own agendas. If only we'd do the same.
Jesus' last meal was the Passover. This was a shadow of his saving work on the cross. Jesus is the true Passover lamb, whose body was broken and blood was poured out for us. Christians now celebrate the The Lord's Supper (or Communion) to remind us that Jesus has dealt with our past, has made a new way for us to relate to God in the present, and has secured our future. This is such comfort food for hungry, thirsty and anxious souls!
Jesus had a clear mission, to seek and save the lost. It shaped his priorities and cost him his life. If you're lost, follow Jesus because He is the way. If you've been found, partner with Him in his mission to see the lost saved, whatever it takes.
As Jesus teaches about his kingdom, we see that none of us qualifies for entrance on our own merit. It takes sacrifice. Join us as we check out a guy that can't make the sacrifice, a Saviour that can, and what a life in light of that sacrifice is meant to look like.
As Jesus tells his followers a parable in teaching them what to pray, we see God's heart for those who seek justice. God cares deeply about the wrongs of this world - and your life. Have a listen and learn what the most effective prayer to pray is.
Jesus spoke about how the world will end, how to get prepared, and how to live your life wisely between here and there. Are you ready?
Gratitude is not something you can teach, but it is something Christians should focus on. As Jesus makes his way to Jerusalem, we see him heal 10 guys, and one of them responds in a pretty sweet way - and in that moment - everything changes.
Jesus calls us to forgive other people, even 7 times in a day!
How is that even possible???
Jesus has a go at the Pharisees for not listening to God. This, he says, will have huge & horrible consequences for them. A consequence that sees them in hell for all eternity. Jesus uses a parable to highlight the horribleness of spending eternity under God's judgement.
The Parable of the Dishonest Manager is a bit tricky to understand because Jesus calls us to use a dishonest guy as our role model in some ways. So what does it mean to be shrewd? How can we use our money in a way that honours God, strategically blesses other people, and is good for us?
Lost people matter to God. He is compassionate and gracious, and searches them out to bring them home. No-one is too far gone. Never underestimate His love for rebels.
Grace is totally free, but Jesus actually says to follow him costs a whole lot. He tells those listening that he wants every corner of their lives to come under his Lordship.
Jesus wrecked a dinner party by telling parables that exposed the hearts of both his host and the other guests. The key to working out what they mean is to understand WHY Jesus said them. And when you understand the point of his stories, they are offensive and humbling...and amazingly good news. You don't want to miss out on a seat at this table!
Jesus tells us what the kingdom is like, how it grows and how to enter it.
"Make every effort to enter through the narrow door", while there is still time.
Money, money, money. It's a cause of stress and anxiety for most of us. Whether we think about it often or just sometimes, we all worry about it in some way.
Jesus has a lot to say about money - in this passage, he first comforts us and then calls us to live in light of his kingship when it comes to our cash.
Jesus is very clear that at the 'end of the age' he will return in glory. God said he would come the first time, and he did; history has that locked in - so we can believe that his second coming is a sure thing. Are you ready? What does that look like?
What and who are you living for?
Jesus calls us to guard against greed and be rich towards God.
The Pharisees invite Jesus for a meal and we get a golden chance to see the heart of the King. Jesus is deeply grieved at the actions and attitudes of the religious leaders of the day. They are lost. Worse; they're leading all those under their leadership away from God and His Word.
There are 2 spiritual kingdoms at war, and a battle for souls is raging.
You either belong to the kingdom of Satan or the kingdom of God.
You are either for Jesus or against Him.
How you pray reveals a lot about who you think God is and what's most important.
Jesus teaches us how to pray in a way that's most honouring to God, and best for us.
Listening to Jesus is crucial, so time in the Word is essential for us to grow in our relationship with God. How are you going at avoiding distraction and choosing to make this a priority?
Guest preacher Greg Lee (lead pastor, Hunter Bible Church) walks us through one of the most famous, and misunderstood, parables of Jesus.
Joel Hill (pastor at Manning Bible Church, Taree) encourages us to pray, go and respond well.
Jesus spells out what following him must look like. He calls us to kiss our old life goodbye, and to love him more than our home and families. How could he ask that of us? And why would we do that?