Jesus' last meal was the Passover. This was a shadow of his saving work on the cross. Jesus is the true passover lamb, whose body was broken and blood was poured out for us. Christians now celebrate the The Lord's Supper (or Communion) to remind us that Jesus has dealt with our past, made a new way for us in the present, and has secured our future. This is such comfort food for hungry, thirsty and anxious souls!
As we wrap up our time in Matthew's Gospel we see Jesus commissioning his disciples to go out into the world to make disciples. What does that mean for you and me?
We love good news stories. The cure comes for the terminal; the underdog wins the gold; the person in drowning gets saved, the orphan gets adopted. Well here, on Resurrection Day, we see it all in one go!
Amidst all the bad stuff, God was working out His good plan. The strange events that accompanied Jesus' crucifixion help us understand what it accomplished.There are some hugely deep, profound and life-giving things to be gained here.
Join us as we check out how Matthew gives us real examples of biblical sheep and goats. We witness a sweet moment in history where extravagant love is shown to Jesus just before he heads to the Cross in the biggest act of love recorded.
In this passage Jesus wraps up a long sermon by telling His people what it looks like for them to be prepared. Jesus says that His people will be serving out of a love fo Him
These two parables that Jesus teaches the day before he heads to the Cross are crucial for us to get our head and heart around. They both centre on his return and what the Day of Judgement will be like. We find immense encouragement and also a stern warning as Jesus prepares his disciples for that day.
Jesus tells us how the world will end so we can prepare and live well now. Are you really prepared? How does knowing the end shape your life now?
A common barrier to faith is the blatant hypocrisy of many who claim to follow Jesus. Jesus was no hypocrite, and he condemned religious hypocrisy in the strongest of terms. What did he say about it? And what did he say to do about it?
As he enters Jerusalem, Jesus is barraged with some tricky questions. He answers al perfectly and along the way teaches us what it means for him to be the long-awaited Messiah. Join us as we check out what it means for Jesus to be Jesus and how that changes everything for you and me.
Jesus tells us how how to respond to sin. He calls us to help other believers grow in godliness by lovingly confronting their sin, and he calls us to forgive those who sin against us. This is where real love gets messy, and the state of our hearts gets revealed.
Ever wondered how to be a 'great' Chrisitan? What does being 'great' at following Jesus look like as we do the Gospel life together? Join us as Jesus answers his disciple's question with a twist!
Jesus said that faith as small as a mustard seed can move mountains.How do we tap into that power?
This week Codan takes us through Matthew 17:1-13 looking at why we should listen to Jesus.
This week Chris takes us through Matthew 16:13-28 looking at how we can avoid falling for a cheap imitation of the gospel.
Jesus is on a short-term mission trip to the Gentiles. Here he shows that he has come to provide for all people no matter their background or sin. He also gives his disciples a timely warning as he looks to build the church on their leadership.
Jesus hates religious hypocrisy and says we all have unclean hearts. But he has come to give us new hearts and to make the unclean clean. So no matter how dirty you've been, there is hope.
Jesus does what only God can do. His miracles point to His identity. Here are 5 implications for us.
Our media is full of people being 'de-platformed' or 'cancelled' because they've said one thing that people disagree on. Our culture seems to be allergic to healthy discussion and just thrives on being offended. Cue, Christians - who believe in very different things from the world they live in. How do we handle getting rejected, cancelled and de-platformed when people don't like what we stand for? How do we know when to speak up or keep quiet?
Whether you stumble onto the Gospel or have been searching hard for the good news about Jesus - what do you do when you hear it? In three consecutive parables, Jesus makes it clear that following him is 'trading up' on what you already have.
Jesus' parables explain what the kingdom of heaven is like and helpfully shape our expectations in the face of evil and opposition.
As Jesus teaches the crowds that follow him, he tells a parable about how people respond when they hear the good news of his Kingship. Four types of listeners, four types of hearts but only one right response.