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We’re glad you could join us today

Let’s lift our voices in song and drink deeply from the Word together!



Who breaks the power,
of sin and darkness
Whose love is mighty,
and so much stronger

The King of Glory,
the King above all kings

Who shakes the whole earth,
with holy thunder
And leaves us breathless,
in awe and wonder
The King of Glory,
the King above all kings

This is amazing grace
This is unfailing love
That You would take my place
That You would bear my cross

You laid down Your life
That I would be set free
Oh Jesus I sing for,
all that You've done for me

Who brings our chaos,
back into order
Who makes the orphan,
a son and daughter
The King of Glory,
the King of Glory

Who rules the nations,
with truth and justice
Shines like the sun in,
all of its brilliance
The King of Glory,
the King above all kings

This is amazing grace
This is unfailing love
That You would take my place
That You would bear my cross

You laid down Your life
That I would be set free
Oh Jesus I sing for,
all that You've done for me

Worthy is the Lamb
who was slain
Worthy is the King,
who conquered the grave

Worthy is the Lamb
who was slain
Worthy is the King,
who conquered the grave

Worthy is the Lamb
who was slain
Worthy is the King,
who conquered the grave

Worthy is the Lamb
who was slain
Worthy worthy worthy

This is amazing grace
This is unfailing love
That You would take my place
That You would bear my cross

You laid down Your life
That I would be set free
Oh Jesus I sing for,
all that You've done for me


I was buried beneath my shame
Who could carry that kind of weight
It was my tomb 'til I met You

I was breathing but not alive
All my failures I tried to hide
It was my tomb 'til I met You

You called my name
And I ran out of that grave
Out of the darkness
Into Your glorious day

You called my name
And I ran out of that grave
Out of the darkness
Into Your glorious day

Now Your mercy has saved my soul
Now Your freedom is all that I know
The old made new when I met You

You called my name
And I ran out of that grave
Out of the darkness
Into Your glorious day

You called my name
And I ran out of that grave
Out of the darkness
Into Your glorious day

I needed rescue my sin was heavy
But chains break
at the weight of Your glory
I needed shelter I was an orphan
Now You call me a citizen of Heaven

When I was broken
You were my healing
Now Your love
is the air that I'm breathing
I have a future my eyes are open
'cause when you called my name...

I ran out of that grave
Out of the darkness
Into Your glorious day

You called my name
And I ran out of that grave
Out of the darkness
Into Your glorious day


A thousand generations
Falling down in worship
To sing the song of ages to the Lamb
And all who've gone before us
And all who will believe
Will sing the song of ages to the Lamb

Your name is the highest
Your name is the greatest
Your name stands above them all
All thrones and dominions
All powers and positions
Your name stands above them all

And the angels cry Holy
All creation cries Holy
You are lifted high Holy
Holy forever

If you've been forgiven
And if you've been redeemed
Sing the song forever to the Lamb
If you walk in freedom
And if you bear His name
Sing the song forever to the Lamb
We'll sing the song forever and amen

And the angels cry Holy
All creation cries Holy
You are lifted high Holy
Holy forever

Hear Your people sing Holy
To the King of Kings Holy
You will always be Holy
Holy forever

Your name is the highest
Your name is the greatest
Your name stands above them all
All thrones and dominions
All powers and positions
Your name stands above them all

And the angels cry Holy
All creation cries Holy
You are lifted high Holy
Holy forever

Hear Your people sing Holy
To the King of Kings Holy
You will always be Holy
Holy forever

You will always be Holy
Holy forever

You will always be Holy
Holy forever


Kid’s Program





Bible Reading - Revelation 20:1-15

1 Then I saw an angel coming down from heaven holding the key to the abyss and a great chain in his hand. 2 He seized the dragon, that ancient serpent who is the devil and Satan, and bound him for a thousand years. 3 He threw him into the abyss, closed it, and put a seal on it so that he would no longer deceive the nations until the thousand years were completed. After that, he must be released for a short time.

4 Then I saw thrones, and people seated on them who were given authority to judge. I also saw the souls of those who had been beheaded because of their testimony about Jesus and because of the word of God, who had not worshiped the beast or his image, and who had not accepted the mark on their foreheads or their hands. They came to life and reigned with Christ for a thousand years. 5 The rest of the dead did not come to life until the thousand years were completed.

This is the first resurrection. 6 Blessed and holy is the one who shares in the first resurrection! The second death has no power over them, but they will be priests of God and of Christ, and they will reign with him for a thousand years.

7 When the thousand years are completed, Satan will be released from his prison 8 and will go out to deceive the nations at the four corners of the earth, Gog and Magog, to gather them for battle. Their number is like the sand of the sea. 9 They came up across the breadth of the earth and surrounded the encampment of the saints, the beloved city. Then fire came down from heaven[fn] and consumed them. 10 The devil who deceived them was thrown into the lake of fire and sulfur where the beast and the false prophet are, and they will be tormented day and night forever and ever.

11 Then I saw a great white throne and one seated on it. Earth and heaven fled from his presence, and no place was found for them. 12 I also saw the dead, the great and the small, standing before the throne, and books were opened. Another book was opened, which is the book of life, and the dead were judged according to their works by what was written in the books. 13 Then the sea gave up the dead that were in it, and death and Hades gave up the dead that were in them; each one was judged according to their works. 14 Death and Hades were thrown into the lake of fire. This is the second death, the lake of fire. 15 And anyone whose name was not found written in the book of life was thrown into the lake of fire.

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How I love the voice of Jesus
On the Cross of Calvary
He declares his work is finished
He has spoken this hope to me
Though the sun had ceased its shining
Though the war appeared as lost
Christ had triumphed over evil
It was finished upon that Cross

Now the curse it has been broken
Jesus paid the price for me
Full the pardon He has offered
Great the welcome that I receive
Boldly I approach my Father
Clothed in Jesus' righteousness
There is no more guilt to carry
It was finished upon that Cross

Death was once my great opponent
Fear once had a hold on me
But the Son who died to save us
Rose that we would be free indeed

Death was once my great opponent
Fear once had a hold on me
But the Son who died to save us
Rose that we would be free indeed
Yes He rose that we would be free indeed
Free from ev'ry plan of darkness
Free to live and free to love
Death is dead and Christ is risen
It was finished upon that Cross

Onward to eternal glory
To my Saviour and my God
I rejoice in Jesus' victory
It was finished upon that Cross
It was finished upon that Cross
It was finished upon that Cross

That’s a wrap!

Thanks for joining us today.



See ya next week!

Also…don’t forget to sign your kids out at 5:20pm!

Next Steps

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