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GAP Info Session

  • 1/42 Wharf St Forster, NSW 2428 Australia (map)

Maybe next year is the year you deepen your faith and knowledge of God's Word in ways you've never done before? A year to push yourself spiritually and become even more effective in serving God's people. A year to take a breath before the next wave comes. Our Gospel Apprenticeship Program could be the very thing God has been leading you to.

If you are keen (or know anyone who is!) to find out more about CoastEC's GAP Program for 2025 and beyond, then come along to the Church Office (1/42 Wharf St, Forster) at 1pm or 7pm on Sunday, 18th August.

Rego is essential and you can do that here

Earlier Event: August 17
Men's Woodfired Pizza
Later Event: November 6