3:00 PM15:00

Men and Meat

On Saturday, 29th March we'd love to invite the men of CoastEC to Long Table Farm at Coomba Bay.

Come from 3pm onwards.

We've asked Liam Doyle (Pastor of Lake Mac Church) to come along for the arvo/evening. Liam grew up on a farm out west and will be butchering a lamb and showing us all the choice cuts. He'll also share about how Jesus changed his life as he carves away with the knife.

BYO drinks and a side to share because we'll cook up the lamb and some snags afterwards. This is also a great chance to bring any mates you have for a low-key, chilled evening.

Chuck it in your calendar and we hope to see you there.

Time: 3pm onwards. Butchering will start around 4:30pm with dinner to follow.

Where: 29 Illawong Road, Coomba Bay

Bring: BYO drinks (any kind), a side to share (salad, veges, etc), plus $5 towards the meat. 

Provided: Disposable plates and utensils. The farm....

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7:30 PM19:30


Baptism is a beautiful symbol of what God has done in the lives of those who have trusted in

Come and celebrate with us as we rejoice in the washing away of sin, and the new life we have in Jesus.

Join us Sunday 30th March. 7:30 pm at the Bull Ring.

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Easter Services
to Apr 20

Easter Services

  • Coast Evangelical Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Come and join us This Easter!

Good Friday, 10am. Come & reflect on why the brutal death of Jesus Christ is called Good Friday, and what makes it so good for us. 

Easter Sunday 4pm and 6pm. Rejoice that Christ is Risen!

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KYCK (Youth, Years 7-12)
to Apr 27

KYCK (Youth, Years 7-12)

Once again CoastEC Youth are roadtrippin' to the Blue Mountains and joining a few thousand other teens at Katoomba Youth conference! Yew! It's a fantastic weekend away hanging out in God's creation listening to God's Word! We will get to listen to bible talks from the Book of Galatians. Plus we get to explore the mountains, eat together and chill around the fire.

More info to come!

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Mens Camping
to May 4

Mens Camping

Men's camping weekend

Gents. On the weekend of the 2-4 May, some of the guys from CoastEC are heading up to camp at Kylie's Beach Campground. We'd love to see you there. You'll have to book your own spot - click the link to lock in a patch of grass.

When you book a spot, you can actually fit up to 6 people on a site (10m x 8m patch), so it will be cheaper to book in a small group. However, only two vehicles are allowed.
If you have trouble with transport - contact me and I’ll try and help out.

Book a spot

It's a BYO kind of situation - chilled as. We’ll have a BBQ to cook on, and a few guys will bring Eskys/ice if you need to keep things cold. There is no formal program to the weekend - it’s just a good chance to unwind, have some good convos, go for a walk, swim, play some games, etc.

All welcome (18+), and if you don't have any camping gear, then no worries, others at Coast do - let me know, and I'll try to hook you up with someone who has some extra equipment/gear.

Lastly, due to the nature of booking yourself in, I would appreciate it if you could please let me know you are coming. This way, I can contact you in case of weather changes, emergencies, etc.


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Sunday Roast
12:00 PM12:00

Sunday Roast

On Sunday 15th June we're having a Sunday Roast! 

This is basically a chance to get together with some other people from church for a cruisy meal and to enjoy some fellowship. It's a sweet way to make some new friends too.

Let us know if you can host, or want to attend (and if you'd prefer lunch or dinner) and we'll be in touch to let you know where you'll be dining, and what you can bring to share.

More details to come!

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Dream and Scheme
1:30 PM13:30

Dream and Scheme

As a church, our vision is to see thousands of people living in our region respond to the gospel with faith and repentance, and to grow to maturity as followers of Jesus.

From time to time we gather our members to review our efforts, and share ideas about how we can more effectively pursue our vision.

Come along and 'Dream and Scheme' with us for the coming year!

Sunday 2nd November - more details to come.

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Baptism Info Session
3:30 PM15:30

Baptism Info Session

Jesus said: “Go and make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit” (Mt 28).

If you’re a follower of Jesus and you haven’t been baptised yet, come and hear what baptism is all about and see if it’s for you.

Sunday 23rd March (time TBD)

Register your interest below.

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Vision 2025 - AGM
2:00 PM14:00

Vision 2025 - AGM

Vision 2024 is CoastEC’s AGM

It will be held on Sunday 23rd February, 2pm @ Forster Public School Hall.

It's going to be a sweet time of hearing what God has been doing amongst us over the last year, giving thanks for that, and thinking together about our plans for the future and the associated financial costs.

There will be a kids program (so bring the whole family) and we'll have a combined service at 4pm (so plan to stick around)!

Rego here.

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Carols by the Coast
4:00 PM16:00

Carols by the Coast

Come and experience a Carols Service that’s deep and rich and good for your soul.

We’ll hear the Scriptures read that inspired the Carols. We’ll sing and celebrate in response! And we’ll have our eyes fixed on God’s greatest gift to us - the Lord Jesus Christ.

Sunday 22 December


Forster Public School

Program will be via QR code so don’t forget your phone!

BYO Picnic rugs/chairs/nibbles

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7:00 PM19:00


We are running our LIFE series again this year.

Wed Nights 6, 13, 20, 27 November 7pm at Club Forster.

LIFE is a series that's for anyone interested in exploring what Jesus has to say about the big questions of life and the difference he makes today.

Each night is free, includes good food + drink, a short talk, and time to ask questions in a relaxed, casual atmosphere.

And so if you're interested in checking out what Jesus has to say about life and why it matters we'd love to see you there. No need to RSVP.

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7:00 PM19:00


We are running our LIFE series again this year.

Wed Nights 6, 13, 20, 27 November 7pm at Club Forster.

LIFE is a series that's for anyone interested in exploring what Jesus has to say about the big questions of life and the difference he makes today.

Each night is free, includes good food + drink, a short talk, and time to ask questions in a relaxed, casual atmosphere.

And so if you're interested in checking out what Jesus has to say about life and why it matters we'd love to see you there. No need to RSVP.

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7:00 PM19:00


We are running our LIFE series again this year.

Wed Nights 6, 13, 20, 27 November 7pm at Club Forster.

LIFE is a series that's for anyone interested in exploring what Jesus has to say about the big questions of life and the difference he makes today.

Each night is free, includes good food + drink, a short talk, and time to ask questions in a relaxed, casual atmosphere.

And so if you're interested in checking out what Jesus has to say about life and why it matters we'd love to see you there. No need to RSVP.

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7:00 PM19:00


We are running our LIFE series again this year.

Wed Nights 6, 13, 20, 27 November 7pm at Club Forster.

LIFE is a series that's for anyone interested in exploring what Jesus has to say about the big questions of life and the difference he makes today.

Each night is free, includes good food + drink, a short talk, and time to ask questions in a relaxed, casual atmosphere.

And so if you're interested in checking out what Jesus has to say about life and why it matters we'd love to see you there. No need to RSVP.

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GAP Info Session
1:00 PM13:00

GAP Info Session

Maybe next year is the year you deepen your faith and knowledge of God's Word in ways you've never done before? A year to push yourself spiritually and become even more effective in serving God's people. A year to take a breath before the next wave comes. Our Gospel Apprenticeship Program could be the very thing God has been leading you to.

If you are keen (or know anyone who is!) to find out more about CoastEC's GAP Program for 2025 and beyond, then come along to the Church Office (1/42 Wharf St, Forster) at 1pm or 7pm on Sunday, 18th August.

Rego is essential and you can do that here

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Men's Woodfired Pizza
5:00 PM17:00

Men's Woodfired Pizza

On Saturday, 17th Aug, the men of CoastEC are invited to a woodfire pizza night.

  • We've got a special guest joining us - Al Stewart (Director of our network/denomination, the FIEC). Al has written a great book called The Manuel. Having a look at biblical masculinity and what it looks like to be the best man you can be as you follow Jesus.

  • So, if you're a guy in high school or you're pushing 120 years old, we'd love you to come for a sweet night encouraging each other and being challenged to be the best type of guy that God wants you to be.

Rego here.

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Women's Winter Warmer
5:00 PM17:00

Women's Winter Warmer

On Saturday, 20th July, the women of CoastEC are invited to a 'winter warmer' woodfire pizza night!

  • We'd love to invite you to come along for a sweet night of making pizzas, sitting around the fire and connect with new and familiar faces.

  • We'd love to meet your friends - so feel free to bring them along too!

Saturday 20th July, 5pm.

Hazlewood's Home - 21 Headland Drive, Hallidays Point.

Let us know if you are coming and if you have any dietary requirements here.

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to Jul 9



MCYC is your chance to get together with other FIEC youth groups from around the Mid-North Coast of NSW.

The main aim is to learn from God's Word and grow in our love for Him!

You'll get to spend the conference looking at what the Bible says are some of the core things that we need to know about God and His character. Big things. True things. Life-shaping things!

Plus, we'll hang at the beach, eat great food, and chill together in beautiful Scotts Head.

The conference is for teenagers in Years 7-12.

The cost of $180 per camper covers all program activities, accommodation and food

Rego closes Sunday, 16th June. Places are very limited, so get in real quick!

P.S. If you rego before 2nd June, then you'll get the early bird price of $170

P.P.S.Don't forget to check out this year's merch when you rego!


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7:00 PM19:00


One of the crucial keys to reading the Bible is to know how it all fits together. Come and check out the flow of what God was doing through history as we see His salvation timeline unfold. If you know nothing about the Bible, then this will be crazy helpful, or if you read your Bible regularly but often feel like you're getting lost in the woods, then this is a night for you. There'll also be plenty of chances to ask questions as we make our way through the content.'

All free - just need to rego that you're coming. :) 

Rego here.

Friday 28th June, 7pm at the church office.

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Hope Beyond Cure
6:30 PM18:30

Hope Beyond Cure

Cancer is the leading cause of death in Australia. Most of us know someone who's been impacted by it, and sadly not everyone gets better from a cancer diagnosis.

Dave McDonald was diagnosed with terminal lung cancer. In this book he writes: "I knew people who’d had cancer. I’d visited people at their bedsides and watched them waste away. I’d witnessed the brutality of the treatments. I’d prayed with people and seen some recover, but I’d seen others die. I’d lost friends and relatives to this cruel and indiscriminate disease. I’d conducted funerals and wept with those who mourned. I thought I knew something about cancer, but I couldn’t appreciate the multiple layers of pain and loss it creates until I began to experience these things myself."

Come and hear Dave be interviewed by Steve Begbie (Oncologist). He'll be sharing his own journey and what gives him strength and optimism as he looks to the future.

Bring your friends and family who need to hear a word of hope.

Rego essential - click HERE or email

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Marriage Course (June)
9:00 AM09:00

Marriage Course (June)

At Coast, we believe marriage is a fantastic gift from God and something to celebrate and cherish. We also know that good, healthy marriages are the result of lots of hard work from both husband and wife. 

We’d love to invite you to 5 different sessions on Saturday mornings spread out over 5 months. 

You don't have to commit to all 5 sessions (although that would be my recommendation if it works for your household rhythm); you can just pick and choose which ones would be most helpful for whichever season your marriage is in. 

We'd come together, watch and engage with the course content - giving time for you and your spouse to discuss/plan/pray it through and then head off home for the rest of your Saturday. 

Golden times!


Time: 9-11am at the Church Office (1/42 Wharf St, Forster)


  • 3rd Feb = Session 1 - God's design for your marriage.

  • 2nd March = Session 2 - What damages our connectedness in marriage?

  • 6th April = Session 3 - Building on the positives - friendship and communication.

  • 11th May = Session 4 - Building on the positives - sex and spirituality.

  • 1st June = Session 5 - Managing conflict gently. 

Cost: Whether you attend just one session or all five, it costs $25 per couple.

* Please note if you have babies/little kids, then we won't be providing a creche/child-minding service. Hopefully, it being just 2 hours means it's easier to find someone to look after your little one/s. 

If you are legitimately stuck and don't have anyone who could do this, then I can give you some suggestions of Safe Ministry-approved people at Coast who could be an option. 

We reckon this is going to be super helpful for all those at Coast - whether you've been married a few months or many decades, whether your marriage is healthy or whether you'd like to grow stronger in certain areas, then we'd love you to come to some or all of the above sessions. 

How to rego - click here BEFORE the 21st of January. 

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Marriage Course (May)
9:00 AM09:00

Marriage Course (May)

At Coast, we believe marriage is a fantastic gift from God and something to celebrate and cherish. We also know that good, healthy marriages are the result of lots of hard work from both husband and wife. 

We’d love to invite you to 5 different sessions on Saturday mornings spread out over 5 months. 

You don't have to commit to all 5 sessions (although that would be my recommendation if it works for your household rhythm); you can just pick and choose which ones would be most helpful for whichever season your marriage is in. 

We'd come together, watch and engage with the course content - giving time for you and your spouse to discuss/plan/pray it through and then head off home for the rest of your Saturday. 

Golden times!


Time: 9-11am at the Church Office (1/42 Wharf St, Forster)


  • 3rd Feb = Session 1 - God's design for your marriage.

  • 2nd March = Session 2 - What damages our connectedness in marriage?

  • 6th April = Session 3 - Building on the positives - friendship and communication.

  • 11th May = Session 4 - Building on the positives - sex and spirituality.

  • 1st June = Session 5 - Managing conflict gently. 

Cost: Whether you attend just one session or all five, it costs $25 per couple.

* Please note if you have babies/little kids, then we won't be providing a creche/child-minding service. Hopefully, it being just 2 hours means it's easier to find someone to look after your little one/s. 

If you are legitimately stuck and don't have anyone who could do this, then I can give you some suggestions of Safe Ministry-approved people at Coast who could be an option. 

We reckon this is going to be super helpful for all those at Coast - whether you've been married a few months or many decades, whether your marriage is healthy or whether you'd like to grow stronger in certain areas, then we'd love you to come to some or all of the above sessions. 

How to rego - click here BEFORE the 21st of January. 

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KYCK (Youth, Years 7-12)
to Apr 28

KYCK (Youth, Years 7-12)

Once again CoastEC Youth are roadtrippin' to the Blue Mountains and joining a few thousand other teens at Katoomba Youth conference! Yew! It's a fantastic weekend away hanging out in God's creation listening to God's Word! We will get to listen to bible talks from the Book of Philippians. Plus we get to explore the mountains, eat together and chill around the fire.

More info to come!

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CoastEC's Birthday Bash!
2:00 PM14:00

CoastEC's Birthday Bash!

Grazing at the Paka’s Farm!

Join us on Saturday 13th April 2024 to Celebrate CoastEC’s 15th Birthday!

  • Come from 2-6pm, bring a plate of finger/grazing food to share

  • Join in for a guided farm tour at 3:30 or 4:30pm

  • Bring a camp chair

Address: Long Table Farm
29 Illawong Road, Coomba Bay

Note there will be no formal dinner - feel free to bring something more substantial if you will get hungry!

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