MCYC is your chance to get together with other FIEC youth groups from around the Mid-North Coast of NSW.
The main aim is to learn from God's Word and grow in our love for Him!
You'll get to spend the conference looking at what the Bible says are some of the core things that we need to know about God and His character. Big things. True things. Life-shaping things!
Plus, we'll hang at the beach, eat great food, and chill together in beautiful Scotts Head.
The conference is for teenagers in Years 7-12.
The cost of $180 per camper covers all program activities, accommodation and food
Rego closes Sunday, 16th June. Places are very limited, so get in real quick!
P.S. If you rego before 2nd June, then you'll get the early bird price of $170
P.P.S.Don't forget to check out this year's merch when you rego!